Food Access
We Think
Community health and wealth equity can be dramatically increased with access to fresh foods.
We’re building a robust network of place-based, wrap-around resources for food and farm businesses.
We provide lending for:
- Predevelopment project costs
- Real estate acquisition
- New construction and building rehabilitation
- Tax-credit gap financing
- Equipment lending
- Working capital lines of credit
Food Access
Southeast USDA Regional Food Business Center
Locus is co-leading the Southeast USDA Regional Food Business Center alongside the Georgia Minority Outreach Network (GA MON) and seven key partner organizations serving Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida:
- Virginia State University
- Africulture
- The Conservation Fund/Resourceful Communities
- South Carolina Black Farmers Coalition Foundation
- University of South Carolina-Beaufort
- The Common Market
- Justice Through Food
An additional 19 grassroots collaborative partners are engaged across the region. The Southeast Center—one of 12 Centers across the country and the only Center co-led by a CDFI—has three responsibilities including: coordination, technical assistance, and capacity building.

Virginia Fresh Food Loan Fund
Advancing Healthy Food Access
The Virginia Fresh Food Loan Fund seeks to address food access issues in Virginia’s rural and urban communities.
Through the fund, we aim to increase access to healthy food by attracting food retail projects into underserved communities and supporting local agriculture and food enterprises.
Let us finance your future