We Activate Community Focused Capital
We create access to capital by developing community partnerships and innovative tools that tackle systemic challenges and advance promising opportunities.
Explore our solutions

About Locus
Pursuing Economic
Prosperity for All
We envision a world where all people and places have the capital and ecosystem partners needed to realize prosperous futures.
As a community development financial institution, we advance high-impact, community-led projects that support economic equity, small business growth, housing affordability, climate and resiliency, and healthy food access.
Learn about our mission

Our Solutions
We Take a Place-Based Approach
With decades of combined experience, we know place-based investing strategies result in safe, healthy, and prosperous communities. We work with partners and places with shared visions for the future or a desire to partner with us to clearly define those visions.
Through community development financing, strategic consulting, and innovative tools like guarantees, we make a real impact in places where people live, work, and raise their families.
Learn about our missionOur Partners
Collaborating To Advance
Health & Wealth Equity
Investments in community-led solutions produce greater impact and outcomes for all.
Our investors agree that equitable access to capital is vital to every community’s success and growth. By collaborating with Locus, you ensure your dollars have maximum local impact.
Become an investor